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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HBOT: enhances the natural healing powers of your body and reverses ageing

About the Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a painless non-invasive therapy in which you breath in pure oxygen in a pressurized environment called a “hyperbaric chamber”.

During the relaxing treatment, the chamber is filled with air and you breathe through a mask so that the oxygen levels in the body can rise up to 20 times greater than normal.

On a cellular level, the increase in plasma oxygen concentration in the blood enables all bodily fluids to transfer oxygen to the tissues that need it and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels.

This helps the body heal, recover, fight infections and reverse ageing.

What is happening
in your body


The Hyperbaric Chamber is a unique device which enables oxygen saturated blood to bypass narrowed down arteries and deliver oxygen to deprived tissues. The chamber’s environment of high oxygen levels at a high pressure create an increase in oxygen levels and stem cell proliferation throughout the whole body.

Oxygen is breathed in and transported to the tissues by red blood cells. It can be seen as the most essential source of energy for an optimal physical and mental health, supplied through our arteries. However, as we age, the arteries become narrower, making it harder for oxygen saturated blood to reach all tissues.

The increased oxygen and stem cells available in the hyperbaric chamber leads to improved brain and body performance.

Oxygen molecules in blue lines - HBOT4LIFE Hyperbaric oxygen chambers stimulate oxygen to tissues and growth of new cells


The stem cells help to generate new blood vessels which facilitate long term increase of oxygen delivery to every tissue and cell in our body.

In our muscles, increased oxygen delivery results in higher energy levels and better physical performance.

In the brain, improved brain function such as enhanced memory, attention, focus, and processing speed in cells have been found.

All results may protect our DNA over a prolonged period.

Human body and arteries in blue lines - HBOT4LIFE Hyperbaric oxygen chambers stimulate oxygen to tissues and growth of new cells

Therapeutic Effects

Effects in wellness, sports and anti-ageing

The body has the ability to diagnose and repair itself naturally. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy stimulates that process. Oxygenate all your tissues on a deeper level and stimulate the growth of new cells. Discover the significant effects of our HBOT4LIFE chambers:

Woman in infinity pool overlooking a forest putting her hands up to signal a heart HBOT4LIFE makes you feel better


  • has a favourable effect on mood
  • has a favourable effect on fatigue, relaxation of the mind, and increased awareness of one’s own body
  • has a favourable effect on stress reduction
  • has a favourable effect on sleep
  • has a positive effect on slower digestion
  • increases concentration during mental activity
  • has a favourable effect on relaxation after workloads and physical activity
  • has a favourable effect on muscle tones, joints,  connecting tissue, and lowers muscle tension


  • slows down the ageing process on a cellular level
  • anti-stress effects
  • has a favourable effect on the appearance of cellulite and scars
  • has a favourable effect on skin, which becomes more supple, flexible, and resistant to external influences
  • has a favourable effect on skin changes
  • improves poor posture, which is a consequence of involuntary posture and lack of physical activity
  • reduces body tension and fatigue
Beautiful old woman in close up with grey short hair freckles and shiny white teeth she feels rejuvitaned after her HBOT treatment with HBOT4LIFE.


  • enhanced physical performance
  • has a favourable effect on joint mobility
  • strengthens ligaments and makes them more flexible
  • reduces muscle tension and fatigue, muscles regain strength
  • has a favourable effect on flexibility of muscles, which are better prepared for workloads
  • accelerates elimination of waste-products such as lactic acid, which causes muscle tension
  • eliminates fatigue after hard practice and refreshes you
Green Alexander cabin for hyperbaric oxygen

Alexander HBOT4Life Chamber

Premium Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber, which delivers amazing results in recovery, performance, reverse-ageing and well-being. HBOT4LIFE makes every therapy session count.

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The Netherlands

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